Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my Mother's birthday. She died 12 years ago just before turning 70. Its hard to believe she would have been 82 today. How I wish she could have lived to that age.

My mother was an amazing woman. She could accomplish more before 10 am than I can in a week. By that time every day her house was clean, laundry done, and some kind of baked good would be in the works. Most people grew up with a cookie jar, we had a cookie drawer. It most always had fresh baked cookies waiting to be enjoyed. The afternoon might find her making a dress for one of her girls. I remember many times coming home from school with a new dress waiting, ready to have the hem measured. Perhaps she spent the afternoon visiting teaching some of the ladies in our ward--who usually lived right on our street. She may have been out tending the beautiful rose garden we had in the back yard, or chatting with Mrs. Bertolligo.

She lived a simple life. Family was the most important thing to her. Times were different then, she didn't live with her rear end in the seat of the car like I do. She never went to the McDonalds drive through for a Diet Coke. (Of course there was no McDonalds for miles around back then, but there was the Polar King.) Maybe if I stayed home as much as she did I would accomplish a fraction of what she did--but probably not. I have too many distractions...TV, Facebook, Blogs...that eat up my time in not very useful ways.

I will never be the kind of woman that my Mother was. I just hope that when I am gone, someone will think my time on this earth was worthwhile, her's certainly was.

1 comment:

The Zobells said...

Julie--Thanks for the beautiful tribute to Mom. She was truly a wonderful woman and we were blessed to have her as our mother.